Friday 8 October 2010

A Thinking Problem

Do you think too much? Do you dream up worse-case scenarios in your head before they happen? Do you turn trivial snags in your career or relationships and turn them into apocalyptic catastrophes?

Well, I'm exaggerating for effect of course, but it's a condition that many of us suffer from but are woefully unaware of.

If you feel you could be suffering from a "thinking problem", well, that's a good start because if you're able to admit it, you're already on the road to recovery. Most "problem thinkers" don't realise they have a problem.

"What's the harm in a couple of thinks?" they say.

"Oh, I'm just a social thinker!" they claim.

But very soon, they can't start their day without a think and can't go to bed without one. Or four. They then feel as thought they can't function without thinking. They're consistently distracted at work, and their relationships suffer because of over-analysis and suspicion. Before they know it, they're thinking their lives away.

Now I'm not knocking the "think" per se. We both know that thinking is essential in life. It's when thinking becomes a barrier, an imaginary gulf that separates you from happiness and self-development. Over-thinking can interfere with your natural instinct and spontaneity. It can make you fearful and suspicious. It can impair your ability to focus and if it becomes a habit, can become a crutch you lean on instead of actually taking action.

Over-thinking can also be incredibly isolating. We can begin to avoid social situations because we're thinking too much about what others are thinking about us. We might also judge others prematurely, sometimes avoiding or despising them because of some aspect we perceive as negative or undesirable. We might also withhold love and intimacy because of our suspicions.

A thinking problem can also affect performance, well, at anything really... at work, at a meeting, on stage, in bed. How can we do well when we're so fixated with how well we're doing? You know as well as I that pressure is the last thing we need when trying to perform.

So if you feel like you're carrying a mountain of worries and problems on your shoulders, assess your situation. Are you perhaps thinking too much?

As author Oscar Wilde once remarked, "Life is too short to be taken seriouslyy".

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life' presented and written by Eugene Loh






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