Thursday 20 May 2010

Are You Going To Finish Strong?

Nick Vujicic and his attitude serve as a great examples of the celebration of life over limitations.

The human spirit can handle much more than we realize.


It matters how you're going to FINISH...
Are you going to finish STRONG?

We are put in situations to build our character... not destroy us.

The tensions in our life are there to strengthen our convictions... not to run over us.




Friday 7 May 2010

三字经 - 苏洵发奋

苏老泉 二十七 始发奋 读书籍
彼既老 犹悔迟 尔小生 宜早思








Wednesday 5 May 2010

Living a Life Worth Living

It's the mortal coil --- ever since we started thinking philosophically, human beings have struggled to answer the question: "What is the meaning of Life?"

And the endless sub-questions: "What am I here for?", "What does being alive mean?", "What purpose does my life serve?" and so on.

To answer these big questions, let's first break life down into smaller parts. Imagine that just one day in your life, you simply did whatever you felt like, anytime you felt like it, just moving from random though to random though, random action to random action. You don't think about the next day or even the next moment. You have no goals, no plans, have no consideration for others, and every day brings the same kind of numbing self-indulgence.

Many of us are, more or less, living this kind of existence. We don't know what we really want, we don't think about our future, we don't know what we're going to achieve. We simply go through life half asleep, finding temporary comfort in our material possessions and insatiable pleasures. A life lived this way ultimately yields disappointment and unfulfilled desires.

What gives one a sense of purpose and meaning is having something worthwhile to strive for.

Why are some rich people happy while others are not? Why do some musicians overdose on drugs and depression while others adopt orphans or use their talent for some worthy cause? The key is having nobler ambitions than simply amassing wealth or indulging in self-fulfillment.

We all need to seek a higher purpose in order to give our lives meaning. Some find it in self-discipline. Others discover it in the pursuit of knowledge. Some find it in helping others or becoming leaders in their community, others in making the world better in some way.

What about you? Have you achieved wealth and status only to find something lacking? Do you want to live your life with more lucid intention?

Then think about what you really want to achieve. Even if the goals seem too lofty (think "world peace"), embark on the road towards them anyway. It's in the endeavour that we find satisfaction. What are simple steps you can take or habits you can adopt right now that will bring you closer to your goals?

You will have your own unique set of goals, but think beyond just creating wealth, getting your dream house, or marrying your dream partner. Before all that and after all that, what will continue to sustain you? Consistent self-improvement? What about improving life for others? Inventing something? Creating awareness? Educating others so that they too can become successful and happy? What can you do conscientiously and persistently that will make a difference?

Think of the value that you can create for others and the world and you will make your life worth living.

Adapted from 'A Slice of LIfe' by Eugene Loh


很多人可能就像 Mr. Loh 所说的那样吧?是不是也常常觉得或提问自己,生命的意义到底是什么呢?我为什么而生,为什么而死?来到这个世界上,到底是为了什么而来?活着,到底有何意义?



