Friday, 24 December 2010

'Owed to Joy'

Today, a story by Ted A. Thompson shows us the true meaning of Christmas.

He writes: The year our youngest daughter, Shelly, was four, she received a Christmas present of a giant bubble-maker, a simple device of plastic and cloth, the inventor promised would create huge billowing bubbles, large enough to swallow a wide-eyed four year-old.

Both Shelly and I were excited about trying it out but it was after dark so we would have to wait until the next day.

Later that night I read the instruction booklet which stated that Joy dishwashing detergent would create the best giant bubbles. I would have to buy some.

The next monring, I was awakened very early by small stirrings in the house. Shelly was up. I arose and made my way towards the kitchen to start the coffee. In the hallway, I met my daughter, already wide awake, the bubble-maker clutched in her chubby little hand, the magic of Christmas morning embraced in her four year-old heart.

Her eyes were shining with excitement and she asked, "Daddy, can we make bubbles now?"

I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes. "Shelly," I said, my voice almost pleading and perhaps a little annoyed, "it's too early. I haven't even had my coffee yet."

Her smile fell away. Immediately, I felt a father's remorse for bursting her bright Christmas bubble with what I suddenly realized was my own selfish problem and my heart broke a little.

But I was a grown-up. I could fix this. In a flash of adult inspiration, I unshouldered the responsibility. Recalling the inventor's recommendation of a particular brand of bubble-making detergent --- which I knew we did not have in the house --- I laid the blame squarely on him, pointing out gently, "Besides, you have to have Joy."

"Oh, Daddy," she promised, with all the honesty and enthusiasm and Christmas excitement she could possibly communicate, "Oh, Daddy, I do."

I broke records getting to the store and in no time at all we were out on the front lawn creating gigantic, billowing, gossamer orbs --- each one filled with Joy and sent forth shimmering into the Christmas sun.

Written by Ted A. Thompson





Friday, 3 December 2010

Effective Time Management

Time is one of our most precious resources.

Each of us is only given a finite amount of it and how we choose to make use of that time makes all the difference.

Consider these questions:

Do you know where your time is being spent?

Do you know where you are maximising your time and where it is simply being wasted?

Are you spending more time on the things that take you closer to your goals?

Do you prioritise your activities in order of importance or impact?

Do you focus on one thing at a time instead of trying to do many things at once?

People who feel like they're stuck are not fully aware of where their time is going or going into. They don't prioritise their activities and tend to spend most of their time on things that don't bring about any positive change.

The passage towards their goals is often derailed by distractions. And they try to cram as many tasks as possible into a period of time, often ending up with mediocre or even below-average results.

The first step towards taking control of your time is understanding what it is exactly you're spending it on. Keep a record of how much of your time each day is spent doing what.

You might be surprised at just how much of your life is being wasted on activities that essentially don't benefit you at all.

Gradually scratch those things off your schedule and replace them with what I call "actuators" --- activities that get you ahead in terms of your self-development.

Next, identify the activities that give you the greatest mileage and spend more time on time. For example, would shifting your gym training to before you go to the office make you more alert and efficient?

Would it give you more time later to tackle unforeseen tasks and finish your work properly?

What about focusing on clients who demand better quality work but also pay better rather than accepting every job that comes along?

Always prioritise your tasks and highlight the top or top two jobs that absolutely must be done by the end of the day. This way, even when contingencies crop up (as they often do), you'll be sure that you got the most important things covered.

As much as possible, focus on one task at a time and strive to give it your best. Too much emphasis is put on multi-tasking these days and it's highly over-rated.

If you can do several things at a time but only produce average results, you're simply a robot in a factory line.

It's the ones who can do one thing but excel in it who are most valuable.

And finally, even if the Internet seems like the only thing you'll need these days, it can be one of the biggest time-wasters.

Things like email, instant messaging and social networking can easily take up a huge chunk of your day if you don't limit the time you spend on them.

So give yourself a quota. One or two hours a day and that's it.

There's more to life than Facebook.

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life' --- Presented and Written by Eugene Loh





Saturday, 6 November 2010

素食豬的由來 養豬戶駱鴻賢的覺悟




Thursday, 21 October 2010

Africa's Super Seven

Friday, 15 October 2010

Seeing Failure As Success

We all know that in life, we can't avoid failing.

Yet, there's a way of viewing failure that might actually make it empowering for us.

Author Laura B. Randolph once said that "failure is success if we learn from it".

Following this logic, we can take it that life's upheavals are not meant to defeat us. They are intended to make us stronger. Every failure presents an opportunity to learn something that would benefit us in future.

With this view, we no longer need to see failure as a setback.

So if you're going through a bad patch, instead of spending your time moping, think critically about what could have led to your situation. What could you have done better? What new knowledge did you gain from this experience? What are your options now taht can take you to a better place?

Look forward. No storm lasts forever. And though life's potholes can slow us down, even break us a bit, they can always be breached. And we can heal and improve. Humans are the original upgradeable machines.

In life, there is only one dead end. But the rest of the time, your life is still ahead of you, no matter how bleak present circumstances seem. Even the apparent "dimness" of your present plight is a matter of outlook. Don't allow a setback to limit your view and prevent you from enjoying the rest of what life has to offer.

Too many of us focus on the negative aspects of life. Seldom do we savour and cherish the good parts of life. We simply take them for granted until they're no longer around.

Similarly, we often view failure with derision and disappointment. But it's time to change this mindset.

Make failure a stepping stone and it will nudge you towards your eventaul goals.

Let's learn from the words of author Laura B. Randolph... if we learn from Failure, it really is Success with another name.

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life' presented by Eugene Loh





Friday, 8 October 2010

A Thinking Problem

Do you think too much? Do you dream up worse-case scenarios in your head before they happen? Do you turn trivial snags in your career or relationships and turn them into apocalyptic catastrophes?

Well, I'm exaggerating for effect of course, but it's a condition that many of us suffer from but are woefully unaware of.

If you feel you could be suffering from a "thinking problem", well, that's a good start because if you're able to admit it, you're already on the road to recovery. Most "problem thinkers" don't realise they have a problem.

"What's the harm in a couple of thinks?" they say.

"Oh, I'm just a social thinker!" they claim.

But very soon, they can't start their day without a think and can't go to bed without one. Or four. They then feel as thought they can't function without thinking. They're consistently distracted at work, and their relationships suffer because of over-analysis and suspicion. Before they know it, they're thinking their lives away.

Now I'm not knocking the "think" per se. We both know that thinking is essential in life. It's when thinking becomes a barrier, an imaginary gulf that separates you from happiness and self-development. Over-thinking can interfere with your natural instinct and spontaneity. It can make you fearful and suspicious. It can impair your ability to focus and if it becomes a habit, can become a crutch you lean on instead of actually taking action.

Over-thinking can also be incredibly isolating. We can begin to avoid social situations because we're thinking too much about what others are thinking about us. We might also judge others prematurely, sometimes avoiding or despising them because of some aspect we perceive as negative or undesirable. We might also withhold love and intimacy because of our suspicions.

A thinking problem can also affect performance, well, at anything really... at work, at a meeting, on stage, in bed. How can we do well when we're so fixated with how well we're doing? You know as well as I that pressure is the last thing we need when trying to perform.

So if you feel like you're carrying a mountain of worries and problems on your shoulders, assess your situation. Are you perhaps thinking too much?

As author Oscar Wilde once remarked, "Life is too short to be taken seriouslyy".

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life' presented and written by Eugene Loh






Thursday, 9 September 2010















「先生,我们并不是歧视你,相反,我们很重视你。 因为我们公司一直在开发中国市场,我们需要一些优秀的本土人才来协助我们完成这个工作,所以你一来求职的时候,我们对你的教育背景和学术水平很感兴趣,老实说,从工作能力上,你就是我们所要找的人。」

















Wednesday, 8 September 2010


from movie: "Facing The Giants"



Monday, 6 September 2010

I Can

在刚过去的八月十四日至二十六日,青年奥运会在新加坡举行 (Youth Olympic Games 2010)。馆主之前在德士上观看了这则广告片段,觉得特别有意思,所以,就一直想要和大家分享。里头写的每一句都让人觉得不管你年纪多大,都有可能创造辉煌的历史。重要的是,不要做出任何对社会、家人和自己没有贡献或没有意义的事。



Tuesday, 24 August 2010




當時站在機門迎客的我第一個反映就是現在的社會還真發達了,連農村老伯伯都有錢坐飛機,真奢侈。當飛機平飛時,我們開始加水,加到20多排時,看到了這位老伯伯,他很據謹的坐在座位上,直挺挺的,一動不動,麻袋也不放在行李架上,老伯伯抱著大麻袋,乍一看象是個支著地球的地球儀,直挺挺象個雕塑。 問他喝什麼,他很驚慌的連連挥手說不要。要幫他把麻袋放在架子上,他也拒絕。






這次是大兒子不想讓老爹周車勞頓特意買的飛機票,本來想陪老爹一起去,因為老爹沒坐過飛機怕他不認識路,可是老爹嫌飛機票太浪費死活不肯坐。後來勸通了,老爹怎麼也不叫兒子再買一張票浪費錢,堅持自己一個人來。 他背了一麻袋的紅薯幹,要給小兒子吃。上飛機前安檢時,工作人員說麻袋太大叫拖運,可是他死活不肯,說怕弄碎了小兒子不喜歡吃了。

我們告訴他說放在架子上很安全的,他警惕的站起來看了半天才小心的放上去。 在航班期間我們一直很勤的給他加水,他都很有禮貌的謝謝我們。可是他還是一直堅持不吃飯。盡管我們看出來他已經餓的咕咕叫。到飛機快落地的時候,他很小心的問我們有沒有袋子,給他一個,並要求我們把他自己的那份飯裝好提給他。

他說他從來沒見過這麼好吃的東西,他要帶給他的小兒子。我們都驚住了。對於我們來說,天天見的飯菜,在一個農村老人眼裡是這樣的珍貴。 他自己捨不得吃,餓著,要留給他的兒子。於是我們把剩餘沒有發的飯都裝好了準備給他,可是他很驚慌的拒絕了,他說他只要屬於他自己的那份,不佔別人的便宜。我們都被這樣的一個老人感動了。

雖然不是什麼大事,但是卻深刻的教育了我。 本以為事情結束了,誰知道在別的客人下完以後,他最後下飛機,我們幫助他把麻袋提到了出口,正準備幫他背上,他做出了一個讓我一輩子都忘不了的動作:他撲通一聲跪在地下,老泪縱橫的給我們磕頭,一邊磕一邊說"你們真是大好人,我們農村人一天只吃一頓飯,從來沒喝過這樣甜的水,見過這樣好的飯,今天你們不嫌棄我,這麼熱情的對我,我真不知道怎麼樣感激你們,希望你們好人有好報。"一邊跪一邊說一邊哭,我們大家慌忙扶起他,連連勸他,並交代一個地面服務員將他安頓好,我們才回飛機上繼續執行我們的任務。







馆主在 F*acebook 上不经意看到的文章。真的很感人。。天下父母心,为了给孩子最好的,自己很多时候都不愿意花费。。看到好的,都想留给孩子。。而文章中的老先生,是如此的纯朴、善良。。感恩。。。



Saturday, 21 August 2010














- Adapted -





Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Focusing More On Ourselves

Most of the problems in the world today stem from a fundamental malaise of Mankind that the centuries have not been able to cure. Our tendency to be overly-concerned about other people --- their flaws, their injustices, their immorality --- and not caring enough about our own weakness and what we can do about them.

Murder, racial and religious intolerance, revenge attacks, bomb blasts... these all have roots in our refusal to critically examine ourselves first before judging others. Leaders of the world continue to condemn these acts and the perpetrators continue to justify their behaviours, but we're no closer to resolving age-old conflicts.

The truth is, the world has always been torn by strife and clashes, civilizations rise and fall, good intentions get corrupted by self-righteousness, greed and power, and revenge continues to breed more and more revenge. In fact, the history of Man has been a history of repetition. We come, we conquer, we plunder, we use up, then go find some other place to feed our cravings or someone else to blame.

If we could all stop thinking about blaming others for our problems and begin to focus more on ourselves and our self-development, I'm sure the world would be a much better place. The problem with focusing on others is that it's a convenient distraction from our own flaws. While we're preoccupied with others, we don't have time to think about our own shortcomings and therefore don't have to do anything about them. It's a weakness of character, because it takes courage to look within, discover our own flaws and work towards improving ourselves.

If we want others to change, we must first change ourselves. We can only lead by example. This is as true of a parent and child relationships as it is with poitician and citizen, boss and subordinate, believer and non-believer. Nothing will make othes see our point of view unless we can prove just how clearly we see it ourselves. Whether you believe in God or not is a personal choice --- only you can see it, only you can feel it or not; you don't need anyone for that. And why should it matter to you how others think as long as it doesn't affect the way you think?

Starting now, try to shift your focus from other people onto yourself. Think about how you can be a better person. How you can reach for that deeper humanity in you.

As respected author and speaker Stephen Covey once said, "We immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rater than asking things to change for us."

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life', presented and written by Eugene Loh





Monday, 26 July 2010




Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Tell Me Why

By: Declan Galbraith

In my dream,children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue and fields are green:
And laughter is the language of the world
Then I wake and all I see
Is a world full of people in need

Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos I don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why?

Everyday I ask myself
What will I have to do to be a man?
Do I have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am?
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war?

Tell me why? Tell me why?
Tell me why? Tell me why?
Just tell me why, why, why?

Tell me why (why, why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why (why, why do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why (why, why do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(why,why do we say we care)
Tell me why (why, why)





Friday, 16 July 2010


for those who can comprehend English version better, here you go:

Lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change, UN report says.

The UN says agriculture is on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth.

A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report said today.

As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management.

It says: "Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products."

Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said: "Animal products cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels."

The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern, former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change. Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people to observe one meat-free day a week to curb carbon emissions.

The panel of experts ranked products, resources, economic activities and transport according to their environmental impacts. Agriculture was on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economicgrowth, they said. Ernst von Weizsaecker, an environmental scientist who co-chaired the panel, said: "Rising affluence is triggering a shift in diets towards meat and dairy products - livestock now consumes much of the world's crops and by inference a great deal of freshwater, fertilisers and pesticides."

Both energy and agriculture need to be "decoupled" from economic growth because environmental impacts rise roughly 80% with a doubling of income, the report found.

Achim Steiner, the UN under-secretary general and executive director of the UNEP, said: "Decoupling growth from environmental degradation is the number one challenge facing governments in a world of rising numbers of people, rising incomes, rising consumption demands and the persistent challenge of poverty alleviation."

The panel, which drew on numerous studies including the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, cites the following pressures on the environment as priorities for governments around the world: climate change, habitat change, wasteful use of nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilisers, over-exploitation of fisheries, forests and other resources, invasive species, unsafe drinking water and sanitation, lead exposure, urban air pollution and occupational exposure to particulate matter. Agriculture, particularly meat and dairy products, accounts for 70% of global freshwater consumption, 38% of the total land use and 19% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, says the report, which has been launched to coincide with UN World Environment Day on Saturday.

Last year the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation said that food production would have to increase globally by 70% by 2050 to feed the world's surging population. The panel says that efficiency gains in agriculture will be overwhelmed by the expected population growth.

Prof Hertwich, who is also the director of the industrial ecology programme at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, said that developing countries – where much of this population growth will take place – must not follow the western world's pattern of increasing consumption: "Developing countries should not follow our model. But it's up to us to develop the technologies in, say, renewable energy or irrigation methods."

Adapted from:
Wednesday 2 June 2010 18.09 BST

Saturday, 10 July 2010

BE VEG! Go Green, Save the Planet! (中文版)







經濟成長必須 "扣除" 能源以及農業部門,因為在國民所得加倍的同時,這兩種產業造成的環境衝擊也會上升約80%。

聯合國副秘書長,同時也是聯合國環境規劃署執行長的Achim Steiner說 "世界人口不斷增加、所得不斷提高、資源消耗越來越大、我們還得持續努力消弭貧窮。在這種世界局勢之下,各國政府的最大挑戰,就是得將經濟成長扣除環境破壞所帶來的成本。"

委員會也引用了包括千禧年生態系統評估 (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) 在內的各種報告,列舉以下各項環境議題,供各國政府施政的優先重點。氣候變遷、棲地變遷、肥料裡過度添加氮磷元素、漁業濫捕、林業以及其他資源的過度開採、物種入侵、不安全的飲水及衛生問題、鉛暴露、城市空氣污染、職業場所污染。




新聞出處 :
Wednesday 2 June 2010 18.09 BST

Friday, 25 June 2010

Earthlings (Part 2)

This is the single most powerful and informative movie about society's treatment of animals. Directed by Shaun Monson, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Earthlings (Part 1)

This is the single most powerful and informative movie about society's treatment of animals. Directed by Shaun Monson, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

아버지 Father 父親 爸爸




Thursday, 17 June 2010

Can I Borrow $100?

Tim knew his father was an important lawyer who worked most nights and weekends. So he was disappointed but not surprised when his father didn't attend his last soccer game of the season.

That night he got up the nerve to interrupt his dad's work to ask, "How much do lawyers make?"

Annoyed, his father gruffly answered, "My clients pay me $300 an hour."

Tim gulped. "Wow, that's a lot. Would you lend me $100?"

"Of course not," his father said. "Please, just let me work."

Moments later, he heard his son sobbing in the other room, and he called him back. "Son, I'm sorry. If you need some money, of course I'll lend it to you. But can I ask why you need it?"

Tim said, "Well, I've saved $200, and if you lend me a hundred, I'll have enough."

"Enough for what?"

"To buy an hour of your time so you can come to our banquet on Friday and see me get the most valuable player award. Will you come?"

His father felt like he'd been stabbed in the heart. For the first time, he realized the cost of his priorities. None of his clients needed him as much as his son, and nothing he could do as a lawyer was more important than what he could do as a father. How had he missed that insight?

It's always difficult to balance job demands and family needs, but the test of whether you work too much is simple: Are you able to be the kind of parent your child deserves?

Few people look back on their lives and wish they'd spent more time at the office. Far more wish they'd spent more time with their kids.

This story is derived and adapted from one circulated on the Internet without attribution. The original source is unknown.





Thursday, 10 June 2010

Love of the Family is Life's Greatest Blessing





Sunday, 6 June 2010

Juliana Wetmore

Julianna Wetmore was born with a rare genetic craniofacial disorder known as Treacher Collins Syndrome. This condition normally appears as elongated or sagging eyes and small or missing ears and generally affects 1 in 10,000. Not only is this a rare occurrence but, Julianna has perhaps the most severe case ever seen. The condition was first seen during pre-natal scans where doctors thought that she had a cleft palate. However, the full extent of her disfigurement was not seen until she was born.

Treacher Collins Syndrome is a genetic mutation that prevents the proper formation of the skull, cheek and jaw bones. Julianna's case was so severe she required immediate plastic surgery to uncover her left eye and to open up an airway so that she could breathe.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Are You Going To Finish Strong?

Nick Vujicic and his attitude serve as a great examples of the celebration of life over limitations.

The human spirit can handle much more than we realize.


It matters how you're going to FINISH...
Are you going to finish STRONG?

We are put in situations to build our character... not destroy us.

The tensions in our life are there to strengthen our convictions... not to run over us.




Friday, 7 May 2010

三字经 - 苏洵发奋

苏老泉 二十七 始发奋 读书籍
彼既老 犹悔迟 尔小生 宜早思








Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Living a Life Worth Living

It's the mortal coil --- ever since we started thinking philosophically, human beings have struggled to answer the question: "What is the meaning of Life?"

And the endless sub-questions: "What am I here for?", "What does being alive mean?", "What purpose does my life serve?" and so on.

To answer these big questions, let's first break life down into smaller parts. Imagine that just one day in your life, you simply did whatever you felt like, anytime you felt like it, just moving from random though to random though, random action to random action. You don't think about the next day or even the next moment. You have no goals, no plans, have no consideration for others, and every day brings the same kind of numbing self-indulgence.

Many of us are, more or less, living this kind of existence. We don't know what we really want, we don't think about our future, we don't know what we're going to achieve. We simply go through life half asleep, finding temporary comfort in our material possessions and insatiable pleasures. A life lived this way ultimately yields disappointment and unfulfilled desires.

What gives one a sense of purpose and meaning is having something worthwhile to strive for.

Why are some rich people happy while others are not? Why do some musicians overdose on drugs and depression while others adopt orphans or use their talent for some worthy cause? The key is having nobler ambitions than simply amassing wealth or indulging in self-fulfillment.

We all need to seek a higher purpose in order to give our lives meaning. Some find it in self-discipline. Others discover it in the pursuit of knowledge. Some find it in helping others or becoming leaders in their community, others in making the world better in some way.

What about you? Have you achieved wealth and status only to find something lacking? Do you want to live your life with more lucid intention?

Then think about what you really want to achieve. Even if the goals seem too lofty (think "world peace"), embark on the road towards them anyway. It's in the endeavour that we find satisfaction. What are simple steps you can take or habits you can adopt right now that will bring you closer to your goals?

You will have your own unique set of goals, but think beyond just creating wealth, getting your dream house, or marrying your dream partner. Before all that and after all that, what will continue to sustain you? Consistent self-improvement? What about improving life for others? Inventing something? Creating awareness? Educating others so that they too can become successful and happy? What can you do conscientiously and persistently that will make a difference?

Think of the value that you can create for others and the world and you will make your life worth living.

Adapted from 'A Slice of LIfe' by Eugene Loh


很多人可能就像 Mr. Loh 所说的那样吧?是不是也常常觉得或提问自己,生命的意义到底是什么呢?我为什么而生,为什么而死?来到这个世界上,到底是为了什么而来?活着,到底有何意义?





Thursday, 29 April 2010

I Still Know Who She Is

It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided since I wasn’t busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On examining it I saw it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors and got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.

I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while as she is a victim of Alzheimer's disease.

As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.

I was surprised and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'

He smiled as he patted my hand and said, 'She doesn't know me but I still know who she is.'

I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goosebumps on my arm and thought, 'That is the kind of love I want in my life. True love is neither physical nor romantic'.

True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

Peace is seeing a sunset and knowing who to thank. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.

Life isn't about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain.

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Almighty God, you will make it to a place called Success.





Sunday, 25 April 2010

【 LOVE LIFE 珍愛生命‧永不放棄 】




Monday, 19 April 2010

The Source of Our Unhappiness

We're always looking for something or someone to blame for our unhappiness. It's our job ["there's too much work, I've no time for fun!"], it's our partner ["I can't stand her mysterious outbursts!"], it's our parents ["they brought me up to be fearful and unable to stand up for myself"], or it's the economy, social bias, disappointing children... and the list goes on.

It does seem as though the source of our frustrations lies outside of us. After all , we didn't ask for these problems.

Or did we?

A popular theory called 'The Law of Attraction' refers to "the idea that thoughts influence chance. It argues that thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) can affect things outside the head, not just through motivation, but by other means". In other words, we attract what we think about.

If you don't feel you deserve happiness, then you'll continue to invite things, people and events that upset you. You stick with a job you find unfulfilling because you don't think you can do any better. Your partner's habits rile and baffle you but you don't talk to him or her about it... "It's just one of those things" you think, but could it be because you don't respect yourself enough to improve things?

We often don't strive to make things better because we feel that we're not good enough, that we don't deserve better. We don't believe that a better life is possible so we don't do anything. Pessimism justifies inaction. This is why we keep attracting people and things that keep us stuck.

The next time you encounter a situation or person that upsets you, refrain from the temptation to appoint blame. Look within yourself instead. What are the thoughts and habits inviting undesirable things into your life? What are the things in your life you tolerate that are not working for you?

The key to changing the world is changing ourselves.

Adapted from: A Slice of Life, presented and written by Eugene Loh


当馆主读了这篇文章后,就很想与大家分享。对吧?很多时候,我们都将过错怪罪于别人,但是,往往问题会发生是因为我们自己的因素 [当然,馆主并不是说是你我的错,但是,是或多或少我们也得负上责任不是吗?] --- 我们“吸引”了这些不开心的元素到我们的生命里。



加油! ^_^g

Saturday, 10 April 2010







妈说: "天池你不是孤儿吗?哪来的亲戚呢?"


我靠着天池的肩埋怨他有亲戚来也不早说,应该把他们调一桌,既然是亲戚就不能坐在备用桌上。天池拦着说: "就让他们坐那吧,坐别桌他们吃着也不自在。"



"堂...堂叔、堂婶,这是俺媳妇小洁,俺们现在给你们敬酒呢!" 天池在用乡音提醒他们。

"哦、哦。" 堂叔歪歪斜斜地站了起来,左手扶着堂婶的肩右手颤微微地端起酒杯,手指背上都是黄黄的茧,厚厚的指夹逢里留着黑黑的泥。面朝黄土背朝天的日子让他们过早地累弯了腰。我惊讶地发现,堂叔的右腿是空的。


"别站了,你们坐下吧。" 我走过去扶住他们。堂叔又摇晃着坐下了,无缘由的堂婶眼里忽然就叭嗒叭嗒直掉泪,看到堂叔无言地拍着她的背。本想劝他们两句,但天池拉着我离开了。

我跟天池说: "等他们回家的时候给他们一点钱吧,太可怜了。两人都是残疾,这日子根本想不通怎么过。"






天池说: "算了,那条山路特别难走。你会累着的,等以后路通了我们生了小孩再带你去那看他们吧。"

我心里想说:"等我们生小孩的时候他们还不一定在呢!" 但没敢讲出来,嘴上说给他们再寄些钱物吧!"








"对不起,我不是那个意思,你别生气。" 叭叭叭,我赶紧发过去。




"亲在外,子欲养而不能。怎么讲?" 我把这句话又重复敲了过去。我有点莫明其妙,天池怎么说这样的话?







那年中考,瘸瞎子家的考了全县第一的喜讯 让爹娘着实风光了一把。镇上替我们家出了所有的学杂费,送我上学的那天爹第一次出了山。上车的那会,我眼泪扑剌剌的直掉,爹一手拄着拐一手替我擦泪:进了城要好好学,以后就在城里找工作娶媳妇。别人问起你爹娘你就说你是孤儿,没爹娘,不然别人会看不起你。特别是娶不上媳妇,人家会嫌弃你。误了你娶媳妇,我都无脸去见老祖。



"那后来,你就告诉你媳妇他们是你堂叔和堂婶?" 我敲过去这句话。














"啊!在、在哪?" 娘惊慌失措地找着我的方向。



"俺就说,俺的娃没白养阿!" 娘把双手在自个身上来回的搓,然后一把抱住我,一行行的泪水从她空洞的眼里热热地流进我的脖子里。





Saturday, 3 April 2010

The Benefits of Walking

What's one of the simplest and quickest ways to improve your overall wellness?


Primitive tribespeople went on regular walkabouts, when individuals headed off into the bush as a rite of passage. In the wilderness, their minds, bodies and spirits were tested and cleansed. Some even met their spiritual guides, or so the legends say.

These days though, walking has been reduced to an inconvenience. It's considered a mile-stone for toddlers, something that all infants naturally progress to, but grown-ups generally wish to do as little of it as possible. We'd much rather get around in cars, taxis, buses and bikes.

But walking is immensely beneficial for our physical and mental well-being. For years, this single act has been linked to improving cardiovascular health. The reason is because, generally, walking is a safe movement that isn't likely to cause injury. New studies have shown that walking is also a terrific way to improve your mood. The next time you are feeling a little blue, you could just walk it off - literally.

A recent study paired individuals into groups, one of which spent 30 minutes on a treadmill and the other that participated in 30 minutes of rest. Each group's progress was monitored throughout the treatment with a conclusion that both groups reporting having less negative feelings at the end of the study, along with less stress and tension. The difference, however, was found when the group that spent 30 minutes walking also noted an overall improvement in well-being.

While the study further proves the theory that walking is good for mental health, as well as physical, it also lends credence to the theory that people who walk feel better overall. It also proves that an individual does not have to be outside in order to enjoy the benefits of walking. This simple exercise can be achieved with a treadmill or by simply walking in place while listening to music or watching TV.

Taking long walks also allows your mind to relax; the body goes into a spontaneous, comfortable rhythm, giving your thoughts a relaxed and unhurried climate in which to organize themselves. I've often come up with solutions and ideas while on a leisurely stroll.

So work a walking routine into your schedule. You'll start feeling the benefits in no time!

Adapted from "A Slice of Life" --- Presented and Written by Eugene Loh





Saturday, 27 March 2010






Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The 9 Timeless Secrets to be Happy




Sunday, 14 March 2010

They Have Wishes Too

Please read... A very touching message for all of us. Something that we do often take for granted.

This is about a man who tells how his booking an air ticket for his father, his first flight, brought emotions and made him realize that how much we all take for granted when it comes to our parents.

My parents left for our native place on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never travelled by air before, so I just took this opportunity to make him experience the same.

In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on Lufthansa.

The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air. The excitement was very apparent on his face, waiting for the time of travel. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself on that day and we all went to the airport, right from using the trolley for his luggage, the baggage check-in and asking for window seat and waiting restlessly for the security check-in to happen.

He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I, too, was overcome with joy watching him experience all these things.

As they were about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. He became very emotional and it was not as if I had done something great but the fact that this meant a great deal to him. When he said thanks, I told him there was no need to thank me.

But later, thinking about the entire incident, I looked back at my life.

As a child how many dreams our parents have made come true. Without understanding the financial situation, we ask for football, dresses, toys, outings, etc. Irrespective of their affordability, they have satisfied to all our needs. Did we ever think about the sacrifices they had to make to accommodate many of our wishes?

Did we ever say thanks for all that they have done for us?

Same way, today when it comes to our children, we always think that we should put them in a good school.

Regardless of the amount of donation, we will ensure that we will have to give the child the best, theme parks, toys, etc. But we tend to forget that our parents have sacrificed a lot for our sake to see us happy, so it is our responsibility to ensure that their dreams are realized and what they failed to see when they were young, it is our responsibility to ensure that they experience all those and their life is complete.

Many times, when my parents had asked me some questions, I have actually answered back without patience. When my daughter asks me something, I have been very polite in answering. Now I realize how they would have felt at those moments.

Let us realize that old age is a second childhood and just as we take care of our children, the same attention and same care need to be given to our parents and elders.

Rather than my dad saying thank you to me, I would want to say sorry for making him wait so long for this small dream. I do realize how much he has sacrificed for my sake and I will do my best to give the best possible attention to all their wishes. Just because they are old does not mean that they will have to give up everything and keep sacrificing for their grandchildren also. They have wishes, too.




Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Stop Being Judgemental

Judgemental people tend to impose their beliefs and their way of life on others. They look down on people who don’t live up to their expectations.

Your way feels “right”, you say. But it may not be “right” for others. Others should not have to act, be, and make the same choices that you do. As long as we’re not out there raping, killing or robbing, we all deserve respect and acceptance.

But many of us inevitably find things we don’t like about others.

Say you see someone in line at the post office. He wears faded-gray sweat pants, a ratty T-shirt, and dirty tennis shoes. You may be appalled that he could leave home looking like that. You may judge him to be poor and dirty.

But there could be a myriad of reasons why he chooses to present himself that way. Perhaps he’s in deep grief from a personal loss and so he does not care about his appearance. It could be any reason. The point is that he is who he is and you are who you are. How one presents themselves in public is none of our business, nor is it up to us to dictate how another person runs his life. Your way is right for you. His way is right for him.

When you stop being judgemental, you release all the bad emotions that come along with that habit. You’ll have a new habit of going around with compassion in your soul for the people with which we share this world.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be unsaddled from thinking ill of others. This is not to say that others will quit judging you just because you aren’t judging of others. After all, they may not yet know that there is such a thing as being non-judgmental or of becoming a better person!

Adapted from “A Slice of Life” – Presented and Written by Eugene Loh



加油了!!! ^_^g

Friday, 12 February 2010

Loving your true self

Some people always put other before them, and to them, this is a very natural thing; they feel they're being selfless and sympathetic. But in the process, they can forget who they are and lost themselves. They begin to get depressed, lose focus and ambition and wonder what happened to their lives to make them get to this point. The answer is simple --- they let their obligations and responsibilities get in the way of fulfilling their life's destiny and, in short, they lost themselves to others.

So, how does one who has become lost get found again?

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to practise self-love. Loving and respecting yourself more than anyone else is crucial because if you can't help yourself, you can't help others.

Nobody was born disliking how they looked. But some of us learnt to become insecure about our appearance as we grew up. So, reclaim that birthright. Fall in love with yourself all over again. See what you can do to enhance your appearance. We can all look and feel better paying more attention to our wardrobe, grooming, fitness and how we carry ourselves.

Now that you've worked on the outside, it's time to work on the inside. What's holding you back? What will set you free?

Self-reliance is your key to freedom. Many of us rely on others to make you happy. If not, make a list of goals to achieve a sense of self-validation and independence. The first thing on your list should be to accept responsibilities. Living your life always allowing others to make things happen for you or to make your life better puts you at the mercy of others later in life. Even within a relationship, try your best to even things out. Nobody likes giving all the time. So do your part.

And refocus your life to doing good whenever you can. Doing good empowers us and makes us feel more useful and valuable.

In order to be true to yourself, you must find time to reboot your life to become the happy, well-adjusted person lying dormant inside of you. By taking that positive step towards finding the self-love you deserve, you open yourself to happiness and self-fulfillment and become the person you want to be!

Adapted from "A Slice of Life" by Eugene Loh





Wednesday, 3 February 2010



Sunday, 31 January 2010



Wednesday, 27 January 2010


经典老歌 ^^

Friday, 22 January 2010

The Seven Wonders of the World

A group of geography students studied the Seven Wonders of the World. At the end of that section, the students were asked to list what they considered to be the Seven Wonders of the World.

Though there were some disagreement, these got the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student, a quiet girl, hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The quiet girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."

The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:
1. to touch
2. to taste
3. to see
4. to hear"

She hesitated a little, and then,

"5. to run
6. to laugh
7. and to love"

Just because some things are in abundance doesn't make them less precious. Mothers delivering their babies occurs regularly enough, but think about the amount of effort, sacrifice, agony, and endurance that went on nine months before. And all the possible things that could have gone wrong but didn't. All the complexities involved in conception, pregnancy, and the final delivery, and how everything worked together to create another life --- a miracle in itself.

Things like the Great Wall, the Pyramids of Egypt, may be wondrous in the sheer immensity and architectural genuis involved, but these are not the things which make life worth living. Seek out the true wonders of the world --- your family, your friends, your ability to appreciate and enjoy the simple things in life.

Adapted from "A Slice of Life", Written by Eugene Loh, Story by Unknown Author






Saturday, 16 January 2010

Life = Risk

"If you've never failed, you've never lived"




Saturday, 2 January 2010

Letting Go

Letting go. It's much harder than it sounds. In the physical sense, it is almost effortless. But emotionally, it often requires a tremendous amount of courage.

Letting go of a partner who no longer wants to work at the relationship. Letting go of a child who is no longer a child. Letting go of the ghost of a loved one. Letting go of anger and resentment. Letting go of pride.

But the ability to "let go" is crucial for happiness and peace of mind. The people who break down at the feet of misfortune and loss are the ones who haven't learnt how to "let go", the ones who are frozen by the winter wind because they could not stop weeping by their dead crops.

It's important that we understand the true meaning of letting go.

Letting go does not mean that you stop caring. It means that you can no longer do it for someone else.

Letting go is not cutting yourself off. It's realizing that you can't control another.

Letting go is not trying to change or blame another. It's about making the most of yourself.

Letting go is not caring for, but caring about.

Letting go is not about fixing. It's about being supportive.

Letting go is not judging. It's allowing another to be a human being.

Letting go is not denying. It's accepting.

Letting go is not adjusting everything to your vagaries and desires, but taking each day as it comes and cherishing yourself in it.

Letting go is not about regretting the past. It's about growing and living for the future.

Letting go is fearing less, and loving more.

Letting go emotionally is endlessly harder than letting go physically. But if you practise it, you'll find it easier and easier to do. Choose peace of mind.

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life', written by Eugene Loh; and quotes on "Letting Go" adapted from a passage of unknown origin.



