Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Stop Being Judgemental

Judgemental people tend to impose their beliefs and their way of life on others. They look down on people who don’t live up to their expectations.

Your way feels “right”, you say. But it may not be “right” for others. Others should not have to act, be, and make the same choices that you do. As long as we’re not out there raping, killing or robbing, we all deserve respect and acceptance.

But many of us inevitably find things we don’t like about others.

Say you see someone in line at the post office. He wears faded-gray sweat pants, a ratty T-shirt, and dirty tennis shoes. You may be appalled that he could leave home looking like that. You may judge him to be poor and dirty.

But there could be a myriad of reasons why he chooses to present himself that way. Perhaps he’s in deep grief from a personal loss and so he does not care about his appearance. It could be any reason. The point is that he is who he is and you are who you are. How one presents themselves in public is none of our business, nor is it up to us to dictate how another person runs his life. Your way is right for you. His way is right for him.

When you stop being judgemental, you release all the bad emotions that come along with that habit. You’ll have a new habit of going around with compassion in your soul for the people with which we share this world.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be unsaddled from thinking ill of others. This is not to say that others will quit judging you just because you aren’t judging of others. After all, they may not yet know that there is such a thing as being non-judgmental or of becoming a better person!

Adapted from “A Slice of Life” – Presented and Written by Eugene Loh



加油了!!! ^_^g

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