Saturday, 17 November 2007

Silencing Your Inner Critic

Critics - can't live with them, some say we can't live without them. After all, they do sometimes provide useful advice. Very often though, our toughest detractors are not other people; our inner critic is usually the harshest of all, and because it's with us all the time, its constant disparagement can break us down and prevent us from achieving our full potential.

Don't underestimate that little voice inside your head that goes "You can't", "You'll fail", or "Don't risk it". Enough hammering and those limiting beliefs will become an inseparable part of you. So how can you make your inner critic shut up? Here are four ways that might help:

Tactic One: Know Your Enemy. In order to fight a good fight, you must spend some time getting to know your own thinking process. What are you saying to yourself? When a great idea pops into your head, what do you do with it? Many people diminish it until the good idea is but a mere memory.
So listen close and hear what your personal inner critic sounds like.

Tactic Two: Talk Back. Isn't it strange that we won't accept someone else putting us down, but we are quite content to let our inner critic do us in? Quit being your own worst enemy. When you hear "I can't", disagree immediately!

Tactic Three: Write It Down To Size. Once you have learned to recognize the inner critic, and you've started talking back, keep it in its place by writing it out. This takes a little more time and a little more discipline, but in the long run you will come out ahead. Write down all the icky, finicky, frustrating stuff in your head. Write freely with no editing, no reading, and no rereading. Just get it out. Vent and complain!. Then you'll be rid of the emotional clutter that can keep you from succeeding. And don't stop with just the negative bits. Write out your affirmations as well - your strengths, your blessings, your hopes, your achievements.

Tactic Four: Be Nicer to Yourself. In other words, give yourself permission to be a little insane. Be better to yourself! It's high time you did! Praise yourself, give yourself treats, rewards for good work done, indulge your desires sometimes, look in the mirror and see what a beautiful person you are! Write down ten great things about yourself and read them everyday. Before long, you'll begin to see that you are right. You have amazing potential and superb ideas.

Now, you're the verge of making your dreams a reality.

source: Eugene Loh, A Slice of Life, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio





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