Tuesday, 19 July 2011


An old saying goes "Courage is the most important virtue of all."

Everything that involves making a decision, no matter how tiny or taken for granted needs courage. Even a thing as simple as waking up and facing each day requires courage. The act of standing up to a corrupt government requires courage. Moving into a new career requires courage. Attending the first day of school requires courage. Every single act is a victory in itself and should be acknowledged and appreciated.

Many people sleep all the time, even when they are awake. They fantasize of the unattainable and neglect what they already have. These people don't have the courage to wake up in the morning and face the days ahead. Instead, they snuggle inside the deepest part of their soul and feel sorry for themselves.

It is normal, however, to temporarily lose that sense of courage. Every time we encounter unfamiliar territory, we might feel depressed. The only difference, however, that distinguishes a courageous person from the rest of his or her peers is "how long" the depressed period lasts.

Fortunately, cultivating courage doesn't require any special lesson. It simply starts with a choice to be and to start it mindfully.

Here are some tips to develop the courage to take over control of your life.

Don't make any assumptions about anything. Usually, worry comes when you assume something bad is going to happen.

Forgive yourself. Many of us can easily forgive others, but can never forgive ourselves. Forgiving our past mistakes is the key to bounce back with renewed strength.

Now here's a trick - Pretend to be brave, and you are courageous instantly! If you can convince your mind that it's just play-acting, a game with no real consequences, you'll find it easier to be courageous.

Remember, happiness comes when you choose to start living and stop worrying. Worrying too much won't do any good, mostly because it can swallow up your courage and leave you with nothing else than an empty soul and shaky hands.

Once you have the courage within, you will be ready to perform the other virtues of life. It would be impossible to be compassionate to others if you don't have the courage. It would be impossible to be grateful to others if you don't have the courage. It would be impossible to do thousands of other virtues if you don't have the courage to simply be true to yourself.

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life' by Eugene Loh






Saturday, 16 July 2011

Growing from Pain (part 2)

How we can move forward positively from seemingly "bad" experiences and grow from our pain into more resilient, more joyful people.

One of the hardest things to do after being hurt or disappointed is to forgive. But it is probably the biggest step to take on your path to recovery and improvement. Grudges, unresolved disputes and hatred all conspire to ensure that your future is forever overcast with dark feelings and thoughts.

So, forgive everyone you feel had anything to do with the pain of the past. Not only do you need to forgive the offender, you also need to forgive the people who didn't help you the way you expected, the people who helped in the wrong way, and the people who unwittingly made things worse by careless comments or actions.

Next, logically, you must forgive yourself. Blaming yourself for mistakes in the past is one of the most self-destructive things you can do. All this forgiving seems tough, almost impossible you think, but do you remember about seeking out the gifts in your pain from 'Part 1'? That's the key. Once you learn to identify the gifts that have made you a better person, you will no longer have cause to be angry with anyone. Whatever they did, whatever you did, all presented you with gifts you possess today.

One of the benefits of dealing with your past pain mindfully instead of stuffing your emotions is that you won't have to repeat that lesson. Your awareness has evolved to a higher level. Pain and misfortune is a part of life. You cannot escape it. But with your new outlook, you are now open to learning your life lessons with much less pain while receiving more gifts.

The past does not define us. Each new day, you have the power to re-create yourself. It is important to understand though, that our past affects where we are starting today, and it can help us understand our current journey.

So reclaim the blessings hidden in the pain of the past and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Adapted from 'A Slice of Life' --- by Eugene Loh





