Friday, 12 February 2010

Loving your true self

Some people always put other before them, and to them, this is a very natural thing; they feel they're being selfless and sympathetic. But in the process, they can forget who they are and lost themselves. They begin to get depressed, lose focus and ambition and wonder what happened to their lives to make them get to this point. The answer is simple --- they let their obligations and responsibilities get in the way of fulfilling their life's destiny and, in short, they lost themselves to others.

So, how does one who has become lost get found again?

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to practise self-love. Loving and respecting yourself more than anyone else is crucial because if you can't help yourself, you can't help others.

Nobody was born disliking how they looked. But some of us learnt to become insecure about our appearance as we grew up. So, reclaim that birthright. Fall in love with yourself all over again. See what you can do to enhance your appearance. We can all look and feel better paying more attention to our wardrobe, grooming, fitness and how we carry ourselves.

Now that you've worked on the outside, it's time to work on the inside. What's holding you back? What will set you free?

Self-reliance is your key to freedom. Many of us rely on others to make you happy. If not, make a list of goals to achieve a sense of self-validation and independence. The first thing on your list should be to accept responsibilities. Living your life always allowing others to make things happen for you or to make your life better puts you at the mercy of others later in life. Even within a relationship, try your best to even things out. Nobody likes giving all the time. So do your part.

And refocus your life to doing good whenever you can. Doing good empowers us and makes us feel more useful and valuable.

In order to be true to yourself, you must find time to reboot your life to become the happy, well-adjusted person lying dormant inside of you. By taking that positive step towards finding the self-love you deserve, you open yourself to happiness and self-fulfillment and become the person you want to be!

Adapted from "A Slice of Life" by Eugene Loh





Wednesday, 3 February 2010

