Friday, 28 March 2008

Forgiveness for Yourself

We're always being told "Forget what happened. Put it behind you and move on." It's not that easy, is it?

Forgiving someone who has done you an injustice is difficult; it even feels illogical, because we feel that we are letting the wrongdoer off the hook. But forgiving does not equate letting someone off the hook. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you are condoning bad behaviour. Forgiveness is not about the other person. It's about you.

You forgive people not for their sake, but for your own sake. You forgive because that's the only way you can set yourself free. When you forgive, you're letting go of anger, of hurt, helplessness or shame. Like love, when forgiveness is given unconditionally, it's incredibly empowering for the giver. When you set conditions on forgiveness, you give power to your tormentors. You make it easier for them to hurt you again.

Stress is often caused by regrets and resentments we have been holding on to for years. These grudges rob us of peace of mind and hamper our growth.

Peace of mind is required for healing to take place. Forgiveness can bring that peace of mind. That said though, nobody should demand or expect forgiveness from you. It is nobody's birthright to be forgiven. It's up to you when you are ready and when you want to forgive them. You have to work through your anger and sense of loss before you will be able to do that. Others can ask you for forgiveness but not expect it. To expect forgiveness builds up even more resentment.

But we all should practice forgiveness regularly to unclutter our mind. When we forgive, we remove what's blocking our energy and happiness. We open doors to fresh air and light.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Clues to Better Health

Fruits & vegetables care for the corresponding look-alike body organs & cells? How simple is that? The Creator does have a sense of humor.

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... and YES science now shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Eggplant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervic al cancers. And how profound is this? ... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics. Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries. Grapefruits, Oranges , and Other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like body cells. Today's research shows that onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Making Sense of your Senses - A Sensory Intelligence Star

Many people think of Walt Disney as a city-born businessman and movie producer, with a creative flair for entertaining children and their families. This is partly true, but the whole truth is much more interesting, and reveals a genius of Sensual Intelligence.

Walt Disney was actually born, and spent most of his childhood, on a farm in Missouri. As soon as he had finished school, he went not into business or to university, but to an art school, where he immersed himself in the exploration of visual and tactile media.

Walt rapidly realized that his talents lay in translating the senses into film. He was the first to introduce sound into cartoons, when he featured Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willy. Again he scored a visual first when he filmed Flowers and Trees (1932): this was the first film of any kind to be made in complete Technicolor®.

He continued his sensually pioneering ways, producing in 1940 Fantasia, a film generally thought to be nearly half-a-century ahead of its time! In Fantasia Disney created a feast for the senses, asking the viewer to imagine what anyone might imagine while listening to beautiful music. Using cartoon technology that to this day has not been matched, he accomplished the brilliant feat of transforming one sense into another. He was able with his cartoon techniques to make the viewer see sound; to taste vision; to hear shapes; to feel colour; and to touch rhythm.

Continuing his mission to use and stimulate all the senses in and by his work, after the war Disney began to use a series of short real-life films that showed hitherto unseen close-ups of animals in natural settings. In order to bring the senses more realistically to life, he insisted that his artists observe every vision, movement and sound of the animals so as to absorb their most subtle and real nuances. Those who worked with him were in aw of his Multiple Intelligences. They reported that Disney kept entire multi-sensory films, second-by-second, detail-by-detail, sense-by-sense, perfectly in his memory.

Adapted from: Head First by TONY BUZAN

Wednesday, 19 March 2008


This story begins when I was a child: I was born poor. Often we hadn't enough to eat. Whenever we had some food, Mother often gave me her portion of rice. While she was transferring her rice into my bowl, she would say "Eat this rice, son! I'm not hungry."

This was Mother's First Lie.

As I grew, Mother gave up her spare time to fish in a river near our house; she hoped that from the fish she caught, she could gave me a little bit more nutritious food for my growth. Once she had caught just two fish, she would make fish soup. While I was eating the soup, mother would
sit beside me and eat the what was still left on the bone of the fish I had eaten, My heart was touched when I saw it. Once I gave the other fish to her on my chopstick but she immediately refused it and said, "Eat this fish, son! I don't really like fish."

This was Mother's Second Lie.

Then, in order to fund my education, Mother went to a Match Factory to bring home some used matchboxes which she filled with fresh matchsticks. This helped her get some money to cover our needs. One wintry night I awoke to find Mother filling the matchboxes by candlelight. So I
said, "Mother, go to sleep; it's late: you can continue working tomorrow morning." Mother smiled and said "Go to sleep, son! I'm not tired."

This was Mother's Third Lie .

When I had to sit my Final Examination, Mother accompanied me. After dawn, Mother waited for me for hours in the heat of the sun. When the bell rang, I ran to meet her.. Mother embraced me and poured me a glass of tea that she had prepared in a thermos. The tea was not as strong as my Mother's love, Seeing Mother covered with perspiration, I at once gave her my glass and asked her to drink too. Mother said "Drink, son! I'm not thirsty!".

This was Mother's Fourth Lie.

After Father's death, Mother had to play the role of a single parent. She held on to her former job; she had to fund our needs alone. Our family's life was more complicated. We suffered from starvation. Seeing our family's condition worsening, my kind Uncle who lived near my house came to help us solve our problems big and small. Our other neighbors saw that we were poverty stricken so they often advised my mother to marry again. But Mother refused to remarry saying "I don't need love."

This was Mother's Fifth Lie.

After I had finished my studies and gotten a job, it was time for my old Mother to retire but she carried on going to the market every morning just to sell a few vegetables. I kept sending her money but she was steadfast and even sent the money back to me. She said, "I have enough money."

That was Mother's Sixth Lie.

I continued my part-time studies for my Master's Degree. Funded by the American Corporation for which I worked, I succeeded in my studies. With a big jump in my salary, I decided to bring Mother to enjoy life in America but Mother didn't want to bother her son; she said to me "I'm not used to high living."

That was Mother's Seventh Lie

In her old age, Mother was attacked by cancer and had to be hospitalized. Now living far across the ocean, I went home to visit Mother who was bedridden after an operation. Mother tried to smile but I was heartbroken because she was so thin and feeble but Mother said, "Don't cry, son! I'm not in pain."

That was Mother's Eighth Lie.

Telling me this her eighth lie, she died. YES, MOTHER WAS AN ANGEL!

M - O - T - H - E - R
" M" is for the million things she gave me,
" O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of gold,
"E" is for her eyes with love-light shining in them,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be, Put them all together, they spell
"MOTHER"-- a word that means the world to me.

For those of you who are lucky to be still blessed with your Mom's presence on Earth, this story is beautiful. For those who aren't so blessed, this is even more beautiful.





Sunday, 16 March 2008

三字经 – 贾岛推敲

口而诵 心而惟 朝于斯 夕于斯


唐朝时期有个叫贾岛 (jia3 dao3) 的诗人,写诗十分认真,被人称为“苦吟诗人 (ku3 yin2 shi1 ren2)”。一次他突然来了灵感,写了一首诗,其中两句是:“鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。”但他对“僧敲月下门”一句中的“敲”字不满意,想换成“推”字,可又拿不定主意,于是就两手做着推和敲的动作,以至于入了迷,撞到当时任京城最高长官韩愈的轿子。韩愈被他执著的精神所感动,两人因此成了好朋友。直到现在,人们还把“推敲”作为学习认真的代名词。




Saturday, 15 March 2008

You and Them - An Intelligence that gives rise to fear

How do you feel about speaking in front of a group of people? If you are like many, many others, you won't be too keen on the idea!

[Did you know?]
The number 1 fear for humans - greater than the fear of snakes, spiders, mice, insects and creepy crawlies, war, famine, diesease, alien attacks and death - is fear of pubilc speaking!

In fact, fear of public speaking scored twice as highly as the next most common fear in a recent survey.

At first glance this seems a surprising result, but on deeper investigation it can be seen as a very rational and quite predictable response. Many people have had little or no training in presentation skills and speaking in public, and often, especially in work situations, find that they are suddenly expected to give a presentation to their colleagues, or clients or to their manager, the out come of which can have significant effect on their current and future careers. Even during social occasions (especially important ones like weddings), where the speaker has got friends around for moral support, speechmaking can be a very stressful experience if people are not prepared.

No wonder the natural response is FEAR!
Fear not!
The thing to remember is that communicating to a large group of people is really the same as communicating to one other person. This should help you feel less oppressed by numbers, and relate to everybody more personally.

To check the truth of this, think about yourself at a theatre or at a concert, and think about your own relationship with the people on stage. All the while you are listening and watching, surrounded you may be by hundreds of others, you are the only one listening with your ears and seeing with your eyes; you are the only one reacting physically and emotionally to the performers as you do; you are the only one who will remember the show in the way in which you will. The relationship, therefore, between the performers and you in entirely a personal one, regardless of whether you are on your own, with one other person, or with one million people.

The great geniuses of Social Intelligence understand this and react appropriately. You can too.

Another tip to remember when making any sort of speech in public, which will help you relax and allow your natural intelligence shine through, is to prepare your material thoroughly. It may seem obvious, but if you know what you are going to talk about, you will be able to take control of the occasion.

Adapted from: Head First by TONY BUZAN




Friday, 14 March 2008

Body Talk - A Physical Intelligence Star

Our Physical Intelligence Star participated for 13 years at the highest professional level of his sport. It was a physically demanding one, played by big, muscular men, and requiring extraordinary agility, tremendous strength, lightning quick reactions and speed, physical resilience, long-term stamina and outstanding willpower.

In a game of giants this physically intelligent genius was a giant among them. His name? Michael 'Air' Jordan, generally accepted as the greatest basketball player ever. Michael Jordan could leap so high that he seemed to 'hang' in the air, contorting his body into the most fantastic shapes as he did so, in order either to avoid opponents or to creatively worm his way through to the basket. Hence 'Air'!

With his Physical Intelligence in full flight for those 13 years, he established 21 National Basketball Association (NBA) records, including the highest average number of points per game (31.5), the most seasons as the league's leading scorer (10), the most seasons as the league's leading scorer of field goals (10), and the most seasons as the league's player with the highest number of field goal attempts (10). He also played in the gold-medal winning US Olympic teams of 1984 and 1992.

Michael Jordan, as so many other people who excel in one intelligence has also developed his others. He was named by Fortune magazine as the most marketable sportsman in the world, thanks to his Creative, Social, Verbal, Numerical and Personal Intelligences.

Physical Intelligences is a quality we all share. Like mathematics, we can temporarily lose it, but it can always be regained.

Many painful, frightening or embarrassing experiences can help us onto the wrong track in terms of our own estimation of our Physical Intelligence. Balls dropped or hitting us painfully, joints twisted, muscles pulled, coming in last, the mocking of others, all these can convince the athlete-to-be that 'this is not for me'.

And yet still, deep down, we love the healthy expression of our bodies in action and identify with our physical heroes and heroines. What happens when a spectacular goal is scored, or and incredible race is won, or a new and astonishing world record is established? The thousands watching will spontaneously rise in jubilation at their own dream-come-true-in-another.

Your Physical Intelligence can be trained. It consists of your overall physical fitness, your balance, agility and co-ordination, anticipation, reaction time, strength, flexibility and aerobic fitness.

In order for your body to perform well, its needs to be in its top condition. You'll need Brain and Body Workout to help you improve your Physical Intelligence.

Brain and Body Workout is complete with exercises, illustrations, goals and examples for comprehensively improving your body's well-being and raising your Physical Intelligence.

Adapted from: Head First by TONY BUZAN




Thursday, 13 March 2008


由于自己的恶劣言行,所导致苦难,宛如铁生锈之后,就会受锈的腐蚀 (fu3 shi2) 一样。












Tuesday, 11 March 2008

三字经 – 韦编三绝

读史者 考实录 通古今 若亲目







Monday, 10 March 2008

三字经 – 唐太宗李世民

廿二史 全在兹 载治乱 知兴衰






Sunday, 9 March 2008

Turn your fear into power

We've all heard it before - "change is inevitable", right?

Change is necessary for growth, for progress, for renewal. Yet so many of us hate change. We're afraid of it. Change implies that you have to move into unknown territory.

Think of the conversations you don't have, the people you don't let yourself meet, the business or life decisions you make in order to avoid discomfort, rejection or humiliation.

The thing that most people are afraid of is the unknown. Most people gravitate to what they already know and then complain about how boring life is or how nothing ever really changes. Many choose the same course of action repeatedly even though it has proven not to bring the results they crave.

When we do this, we reinforce an old identity formed by our past, even if that identity is painful. If we were taught that we couldn't have what we want, we continue to live in accordance with that old belief, that old self-identity. We're unable to explore and open up to more of who we really are as human beings. In an economic sense, it means that we don't take calculated and informed risks. Fear stifles exploration on many fronts.

But the fear of change is irrational. As you already know, change is inevitable. It's a basic tenet of life - without change, the world would cease, life would end. There would be no point to existence. We are all meant to change, to move out of our known spheres and experience the diversity of life. This is the only way to grow, to become the optimal human being.

Life is richer when we learn to walk into the unknown. When we learn to do this, we build our personal power - the power to make changes, not simply respond to them. Of course, this means that we have to be prepared for failure, rejection or embarrassment. Why do we let these terms scare us? Will they kill us or impair us in some permanent way? No! Successful people have learned that failure and rejection are nothing. They bounce right off their thick skins! What are failure and rejection compared to gaining new wisdom, experiencing new adventures, making new friends, and achieving even greater success and happiness?

People often view the unknown as holding negatives and upsets. So they keep away from it. As a result, they never find out that the unknown can also be rich, exhilarating and creative.

So if you want to move forward in your life, begin by choosing to challenge yourself in an area of your life in which you would like to see change. Notice what stops you from moving forward, anything that derails your commitment. Find the support needed to navigate the new territory and this means: don't be afraid or shy to ask for help. Not knowing is perfectly natural; not asking means you're fearful.





Friday, 7 March 2008

You and You - The War Veteran's Story

An interviewer was asking war veterans about their experiences, and had focused on nothing but the horrors of war. Many of his interviewees had succumbed to his gloom, and revealed the long-held resentments they felt and the life-time problems that had been caused by their experiences.

One interviewee, however, a 96-year-old, was singularly upbeat, and explained that the war, unpleasant and horrifying as it was, had actually taught him a lot.

Exasperated, the interviewer finally said: 'But surely, and I hope that this won't embarrass you if I explain to our listeners your physical condition, you cannot accept what happened to you with
equanimity. I must tell our listeners that I am talking to you knowing that, and seeing the evidence that, during the course of war you lost the sight in one eye, had your left hand irreparably damaged, and lost your right leg. Surely this must have had a traumatic and negative impact on your entire life?

To which the feisty and magnificent
nonagenarian replied: 'Well, young man, life's a bit like that. You come on to this glorious planet with a body that has all kinds of bits attached to it. And as you go through life you might lose a bit here and then lose a bit there. But it doesn't really matter if you still have your brain alive, friends to care for and who care for you, and a mission in life to make others' lives more happy, does it?'

96-year-old Personal Genius 1-0 Negative Interviewer!

Nor does being Personally Intelligent mean that you can never express fury, anger or grief. On the contrary - it means that you have full freedom to express these emotions, knowing that in certain situations they are completely appropriate and healthy expressions of your feelings, although recognizing that in many other situations they are not.

You will by now increasingly aware of the fact that Personal Intelligence is a major constituent of what has been popularly labeled 'Emotional Intelligence'.

You should also be aware of the fact that if you develop your Personal Intelligence you will similarly be improving your Social Intelligence, while also exercising your Creative Intelligence.

Adapted from: Head First by TONY BUZAN.



Wednesday, 5 March 2008

三字经 – 努尔哈赤

清太祖 膺景命 靖四方 克大定






Monday, 3 March 2008

The Fern and the Bamboo

One day I decided to quit...I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality. ... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.

"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

His answer surprised me.

"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

"Yes", I replied.

"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

"In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. The same in year four.

"Then in the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.

Compared to the fern, it was seemingly small and insignificant.

But just six months later, the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.

It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.

"Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo.. I will never quit on you.

"Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful.

"Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high"

"How high should I rise?" I asked.

"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned

"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

I left the forest, realizing that God will never give up on me. And He will never give up on you.

Never regret a day in your life.

Good days give you happiness; bad days give you experiences; both are essential to life.


