Friday, 29 February 2008

三字经 – 闯王进北京

十七世 至崇祯 权阉肆
寇如林 至李闯 神器焚


明朝末年,宦官 (huan4 guan1) 把持朝政,政治腐败。农民起义遍布全国,其中影响最大的是李自成领导的起义军。李自成出身贫苦农民,他率领的军队纪律严明,作战勇敢,深受老百姓的爱戴,大家把他称为“闯王”。经过浴血奋战,李自成终于率部攻破首都北京,崇祯皇帝逃到煤山上吊自杀,明朝灭亡。后来,李自成的军队腐化变质,失去战斗力,被吴三桂引进关的清兵打败,李自成在九宫山遇难。




Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Don't Be Afraid to Ask

Children, are by nature, inquisitive. They're curious about everything and are often not afraid to ask... and ask... and ask! That's why children learn so quickly.

Most of us, however, as we grow older, gradually lose that spontaneous curiosity. That's because we've come to take things for granted. We don't care to discover beyond what we can sense or know. We think it's a waste of our time maybe. "What's in it for us?" is often the only question we ask, and when no clear benefit is apparent, we deign to go no further.

Or maybe it's because as adults, we feel that we should know what things mean, how they work, or at least have the ability to figure it out ourselves. We become reluctant to ask others because we're afraid it may make us appear ignorant or silly.

But if we simply sit back, do nothing, or do what we've always been doing, then things will never change. Our lives will not improve. Our knowledge bank will never grow.

It's sad, really, that we've lost our courage to ask. If we don't ask, then we won't get. If we don't question, then we timidly accept things as they are, whether they're working for us or not. Also, when we don't ask, we often get what we don't want.

For instance, if you go shopping, and you don't ask about the item you're buying in detail, chances are, you'll end up buying something that doesn't suit you. What about when you're in conversation with a group of people and someone says something you don't quite "get"? Do you ask for an explanation? Or do you stay quiet because you don't want to appear foolish? How many times have you assumed something wrongly, and ended up looking pretty silly anyway because you didn't know, and didn't ask?

We can only learn by asking. Nobody knows everything. We all know and accept that. People won't think you're foolish - chances are, they too were unsure about the same thing but were also afraid to ask. They'll warm up to you because you appear more earnest and well... more human!

Plus, when you start asking more, especially about the things you want, you'll begin to see tangible benefits - better deals, more resources to help you achieve your goals, make more friends, discover more opportunities, generally open up the possibilities in your life! So go ahead, ask for that discount, that free gift, that value-added service, that annual fee waiver, that pay rise, that first date. You just might get it!

source: Eugene Loh, A Slice of Life, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio






Monday, 25 February 2008













手握权柄,能呼风唤雨,凡事皆可事半功倍。倘若每一动念,每一举止,是为国为民,则功德无量,福星拱照,积德以遗儿孙;若是为家为财,则罪恶滔天,灾星临门,造孽以害儿孙,两者相 去天壤。所以,当权是积德之良机,也是作孽的陷阱,为公为私,唯智与愚自己选择。




Sunday, 24 February 2008

Present Yourself - How to become a Successful Speaker

One of the most brilliant boxers ever to emerge from the British Isles was Irishman Barry McGuigan. McGuigan rapidly rose up in the boxing ranks and became the World Featherweight Champion in 1985. He was renowned for his positive attitude, his ability to take any set-back in his stride and to learn from it, and for his total dedication to his training.

After he had retired, McGuigan became one of the top elite boxers elected to the prestigious Boxing Hall of Fame, an honour reserved for the very few who are considered by the sporting community to be among the greatest champions, as well as individuals who are great ambassadors for their sport.

As soon as he retired, McGuigan was eagerly approached by TV companies to become a specialised boxing commentator, which he did.

When he began his new career, McGuigan became very aware that his commentating style was in the order of the following: 'and that was a terrific left jab thrown by Jones! Followed by a terrific right cross ...and Smith comes backwith a terrific right uppercut ...and a terrific left jab ...'. He decided to improve his Verbal Intelligence!

McGuigan literally 'went into training' to improve his Verbal IQ, using all the training techniques he had learning as a world-champion athlete. To aid him, he used Mind Maps to help him expand his vocabulary, and his increasing knowledge of the wonder of words. Within a short time, his vocabulary and Verbal Intelligence improved dramatically. Rather than 'terrific ... terrific ... terrific ...' McGuigan began to spice up his commentary with 'lightning-like, stunning, juddering, rapier-fast, jolting, electrifying ...'. Having applied the training techniques he had used to become a world-champion physical athlete, he rapidly rose up the ranks of TV sports commentators, and became a champion in mental sphere!

McGuigan was so impressed with the rapid strides he was able to make in the development of his Verbal Intelligence that he now plays Verbal Intelligence games with his children - using Mind Maps® and memory techniques to help them as Mind Maps® helped him.

Adapted from: The Power of Verbal Intelligence by TONY BUZAN




Friday, 22 February 2008

5 萬道親送陳大姑 場面15年最大


Thursday, 21 February 2008

Child's Wordplay - Proof that you are a Natural Verbal Genius

Suzuki was a Japanese teacher, musician and instrument maker. He had two special paradigm-shifts in his awareness that changed his life forever, and which are at this very moment changing the lives of millions and the way the world thinks about all the babies and their Verbal and Creative Intelligences.

Suzuki's first revelation came when he was visiting a giant incubator for Japanese larks.

The Japanese breeders of these songbirds take literally thousands of eggs and incubate them in giant, warm, silent halls that act as a gigantic nest. Silent, that is, with the exception of one sound - that of a lark Master Singer, a veritable song-bird Beethoven!

Suzuki noticed to his amazement that every little chick that hatched, automatically began to copy the master singer. After a few days he observed that each chick having started out purely copying songs, began to develop its own variations on the original Master Song. The breeders waited until the chick musicians had developed their own styles, and then selected from them the next Master Singer, and so the process developed.

'Astounding' thought Suzuki. 'If a bird's tiny, tiny brain can learn so perfectly, then surely the human brain , with its vastly superior abilities, should be able to do the same and better!

This line of reasoning led Suzuki to his next revelation, which, when he announced it, made many of his friends think that he had lost a large number of his own brain cells.

Suzuki, in a delirium of enthusiasm for what he had realized rushed around telling everyone he knew of his remarkable discovery.: that every Japanese child learns to speak Japanese!

His friends and colleagues patted him on the shoulder, informing him rather firmly they were actually already aware of that. 'But No! No!' declared Suzuki, ' they really do, and it's amazing!'

Suzuki was correct. Like Newton before him, he had discovered something that was so obvious no one could see it - that any baby, born in any country, automatically learns, withing two years, the language of that country.

This means that every normal baby's brain is capable of learning millions of potential languages.

Adapted from: The Power of Verbal Intelligence by TONY BUZAN

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

三字经 – 郑和下西洋

太祖兴 国大明 号洪武
都金陵 迨成祖 迁燕京






Sunday, 10 February 2008

三字经 – 成吉思汗

莅中国 兼戎狄 九十载 国作废
li4 zhong1 guo2 jian1 rong2 di2 jiu3 shi2 zai3 guo2 zuo4 fei4






Wednesday, 6 February 2008

STORIES - The Old Man and His Shoe

One day an old man boarded a bus. As he was going up the steps, one of his shoes slipped off. The door closed and the bus moved off so he was unable to retrieve it. The old man calmly took off his other shoe and threw it out of the window.

A young man on the bus saw what happened, and could not help going up to the old man and asking, "I noticed what you did, sir. Why did you throw out your other shoe?"

The old man promptly replied, "So that whoever finds them will be able to use them."

The old man in the story understood a fundamental philosophy for life - do not hold on to something simply for the sake of possessing it or because you do not wish others to have it. We lose things all the time. The loss may seem to us grievous and unjust initially, but loss only happens so that positive changes can occur in our lives. We should not always assume that losing something is bad, because if things do not shift, we'll never become better people or experience better things. That's not to say of course that we only lose "bad" things; it simply means that in order for us to mature emotionally and spiritually, and for us to contribute to the world, the interchange between loss and gain is necessary.

Like the old man in the story, we have to learn to let go. The world had decided that it was time for the old man to lose his shoe. Maybe this happened to add momentum to a series of events leading to a better pair of shoes for the old man. Maybe the search for another pair of shoes would lead the old man to a great benefactor. Maybe the world decided that someone else needed the shoes more.

Whatever the reason, we can't avoid losing things. The old man understood this. One of his shoes had gone out of his reach. The remaining shoe would not have been much help to him, but it would be a cherished gift to a homeless person desperately in need of protection from the ground. Hoarding possessions does nothing to make us or the world better. We all have to decide constantly if some things or people have run their course in our lives or would be better off with others. We then have to muster the courage to give them away.





Sunday, 3 February 2008


This world can sometimes be hard to live in, and occasionally, the pain becomes so acute and sources of relief so rare, that one may contemplate ending it all.

If you're having such a thought, don't feel that you're weak or foolish. There is nothing wrong or unusual about the way you feel. Things must be going pretty badly if you're contemplating suicide. But if death has become an option for you, then things can't get any worse. From here, you can rise if you want to.

No one has ever solved anything by choosing death. In fact, it's the ones who are faced with the very real prospect of death who discover how valuable and rich life can be.

In Stephen Daldry's film "The Hours", actress Julianne Moore plays Laura Brown, a character whose fa?e of a loving, dutiful housewife belies an emotional and romantic emptiness that threatens to engulf her. Unable to live the life she truly wants to live, she is finally driven to the thought of suicide, but decides against it at the eleventh hour.

Strangely enough, the option of death gave her the strength to continue living. When she realised that she could always take her life if it got unbearable, suddenly, her life didn't seem so hard. The world of infinite opportunities opened up to her. Fear of life and social expectations no longer gripped her, and she subsequently went on to live the life she always wanted.

In Paulo Coelho's book "Veronika Decides to Die", the protaganist is brought back from the brink of death after she takes a near-fatal dose of sleeping pills. However, the doctor tells her that as a consequence of her action, her heart has been so weakened that it could collapse in a matter of weeks. Faced with the possibility of death like the character of Laura in "The Hours", Veronika experiences a similar epiphany - that death is always possible, for everyone, young or old, happy or depressed. Death can come to you unexpectedly or you can invite it; either way, it makes life all the more precious and the world all the more beautiful and promising.

Suicide is a hasty catapult into the unknown. What you couldn't find here, you can be sure you won't find in death. Life however gives you the opportunity to live it in any way you like. The pain may be unbearable now, but it will not last. Death comes to us all; the time and place though, is not for us to determine. Till then, choose Life - seize the opportunities that only Life can bring.

source: Eugene Loh, A Slice of Life, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio



